Sunday, April 12, 2009

New house, hopefully

We returned home from the wedding, started to pack and on Wednesday (12 days before we were supposed to close) BofA calls us up and says, "oh, by the way we are adding $5000 (more than double the previous points) to your closing costs because we really suck as a bank and we want you to hate us, hahahahaha" (ok, maybe I added a few words there, but the big point was they were screwing us so we told them to...well, we decided not to go with them and spent the next two days scrambling to get an FHA loan which pushed back our closing and is still pending an appraisal and more paperwork, but if all goes well we will be closing on our new house on April 28th. The link is below if you want to see it.,-N451275,-N,-A,-N31179942