Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Right as Rain

Hello to all,
Just to let everybody know, we are all fine out here in San Diego. The fires are raging to the north of the city and to the south of us, but the sky above our house is clear and beautiful and we are grateful that this round of fires is seeing us safely at home and out of the smoke. Gracie is spending her days here with Apple and Rufus to help her mommy Katie feel better about being up at school, but it would have to be a tremendous crisis for us to have to evacuate for this round of fires. Unfortunately, the beach house at Encinitas may not be faring so well, they have just evacuated the entire city of Encinitas and it looks like the fire may be heading that way. So, keep us in your thoughts, but know that we are safe and healthy and are trying to help other San Diegans as best we can (Bucky is volunteering, I am puppy watching at home). Thanks again for your thoughts!

CA Ecks?

Holly, I know I talked to you on Saturday and it seemed as though you all were great, making beer and going shopping, but on the Today Show this morning it said San Diego was in danger too - are you all ok?

Monday, October 22, 2007


The "teacher" of our "home-schooled" program recently taught our "students" how to use quotation marks in "this" way. It's now their "favorite" thing to do. The most popular "way" to "use" them is:

"You think you're 'fresh,' but you're 'lame.'"

The second most popular is, "Thanks."

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Well if we're spreading rumors...

Ken and I just bought a parcel of land on Mars and we're moving as early as next December. We'll finally get that ocean view we've been wanting.

Friday, October 19, 2007


Ok, since it appears that only four, maybe five of us actually read this blog, I think we need to take action to get the rest of the family on it to make it a little more interesting. Let's make up some really crazy rumors and spread them on the blog.

On a totally different note, did everyone hear that CJ's pregnant?

Monday, October 8, 2007

family reunion in the works

Just to give you guys a heads up, we have a potential family reunion in the works. Tricia and Mike are coming out to NC at the end of February/beginning of March (if that's not accurate blame Ali). Ali's driving up from Atlanta, Lori's driving down from DC, and Kristy and I are already here. Kristy has a guest room and I found out this summer that when my living room is wall to wall air mattresses we can sleep 14 people in there like it's a hyatt, so more people should come play with us! It'll be legendary. (It has to be...it's the first time we've gotten any west-coast Ecks out here since the outer banks! We have to prove our state worthy!)

Love you!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Where is everybody

Ever since I made the blog my home page I have been saddened to see that nobody posts. Where are you all? What is new? Please post, I am bored!!!!