Sunday, November 25, 2007


I just found out I was accepted into the Masters in School Administration program at UNC! YAY!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007 Holiday Shopping

If any of you are doing holiday shopping on - if you go to Amazon through my organization's homepage, we will earn money for your purchases! Just by making one extra click you'll be giving money that will help support refugee families in Atlanta.

-Go to
-Scroll to the bottom and click on

That's it!

We're also listed as a cause on, so if you go through that site and select Fugees Family as you're cause, you'll also be giving money to a good cause. Through you can shop at 680+ stores, and it won't cost you any extra money.

Love, Ali

Monday, November 12, 2007

Hello and a little help

Hope everyone is well. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving! Can't believe it's next week - this fall has just flown by. This will be the first time I am leaving Desi - hopefully he will survive a few days at the vet's.

Just a question: I'm kind of stumped by the whole, "This I believe" thing. Maybe my life is just not very inspiring right now. Whenever I try to think about it I just draw one big blank. I've read some online but am still struggling. Does anyone have any advice?

Thursday, November 8, 2007


Is there any way for our family to sign up for emails whenever there's been an update to the blog? And the emails could contain a link to the blog, for those among us who can't remember how to access it?

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Joke of the day

What's the difference between broccoli and boogers?